Besides Japan and the United States, movie theaters LoveLive also released in various other countries, one of which is Korea. And as the release of other well-known films, the film is usually accompanied by various promotions. In Korea, the ticket machine decorated to the theme of "LoveLive", but it seems the designer decoration is quite idle.
In Korean cinema, seems to have been common when cinema tickets issued through the machine, not via the cashier as it is here. The machine is a machine that gets ornament we discussed this time. But somehow fraudulent, intentionally, or how. Selection of promotional materials and placement of decorations to make laugh, looks like a ticket we "spit out" by Maki-chan!
Regular audience which must also be put on the ticket machine will probably feel a little "weird", but what about the fans reaction? If later we also found the same thing, how do you react? At least this is no more strange than Maki-chan met during the school holidays.
Source : rocketnews
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